Posts Tagged ‘ depressed ’

That “Feeling” Again..


February 15, 2010

Sometimes, things and events happen so fast that you don’t even notice it. But at the end of the day, when you are alone and you stop and think about what had happened that day, you come to realize that a lot took place and you aren’t able to determine how to react.

For the benefit of my ‘old readers’ (mind you, there’s not much to count really), I am happy as hell. And it is very unlikely that I will revert to my old “lash-me-oh-please-lash-me” style of writing. I just had a pretty rough day and the fact that the only one who can make these all go away is not here, it makes it a lot worse.

Today is basically like this: Class -> Make Report -> Consult for thesis -> Bond with friends and resist the urge to drink with them -> Class -> Class w/ a postponed report. For people who are really into hard labor, maybe they’ll ask: “The hell, that’s it?” And I will answer: “Yeah, Hell that’s it.” And there will be no point.

And for those “Oh so profound” individuals, they might reason out that it is possible that in between those events, some small things happened that I really just didn’t mind at first but is attacking me now. But now, I have this feeling again of wanting to do nothing mixed with wanting to do something. How lame, huh? I really suffer during this moments.  And everything cracks – my thoughts, my body and my emotions. For my thoughts, only a few might’ve gone this far because my thoughts up there are as insignificant as the booger of an ant. As for my body, I feel my neck and my back aching during these times. And as for my emotions, I basically don’t feel anything during these times. I hate this. I’m writing all about me. (How do you hate it when you said just earlier that you don’t feel now?)

I might as well sleep.

Please read my previous blog posts. They are a lot better compared to this.



February 15, 2010